In the aftermath of a devastating war between Man and Futa, you decide to move back to your home town. Your old friend sets you up with a job at the...
Cabin Corpse – Version 0.5.2
Set in a creepy cabin in the middle of nowhere our main character must uncover the secret behind a series of mysterious events. You must interact with...
Life’s Payback – Version 0.7
Life's Payback is a game where you take your revenge on life. Everything was going well until an unprecedented economic crisis turned your daily routi...
Bubbles and Sisters – Version 0.3
Life can't get any better! You're living in the big city but your dreams meet a sudden halt when you're forced to move back home to save your fathers...
Close the door before you start play this game!
Lust Hunter – Version 0.105.1
There were many lusts in the world, and everybody was sexually active until the witches took all the lust. All creatures should be lusty and witches s...
Mystic Cave – Version 0.00.10 Beta
Elliot Suddenly Teleports to the Island called Mystic Lands feeling weak and confused. during his time here in the Mystic Lands, he finds friends and...
Deep Vault 69 – Version 0.4.0
Howdy, pardner! Might I say, you're looking fit as a fiddle! And this is not surprising, because you are one of the survivors in a comfortable vault...
A Struggle With Sin – Version Test
A Struggle With Sin is a tale of a world that is caught within the midst of civil war. Each villager has to decide which needs they have first due to...
The Sultans Harem – Version 0.3.5
This is The Sultans Harem, a fictional weight gain-oriented visual novel....
Double Perception – Version 4.1
Double Perception" is a game with 2 realms. First is Reality. Nothing special, just common Earth. Second is a bit more interesting – Dawn of Arcanum...
Symphony of the Serpent – Version 04091
In a world consumed by a sex virus, a young man finds himself lost in a big city, far from home, and in possession of a mysterious relic. With the hel...
Trials in Tainted Space – Version 0.9.107
Trials in Tainted Space is an unpaid text game about exploring the universe, yourself, and all of its players in fun and customizable ways. It's simpl...
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Peasant’s Quest – Version 3.51
Peasant's Quest is set in a medieval fantasy world, where you play a young farm boy out to seek adventure, and perhaps meet a few hot damsels in distr...
Tales Of Androgyny – Version
Hi there! This is a lewd-themed game featuring characters with androgynous characteristics, some male, and some female, some... slime? You are a femal...
Star Knightess Aura – Version 0.46.0
Follow Aura's adventure as she is thrust into the fantasy world of Roya. What she initially believed to follow the conventional plotline of a "summone...
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Corrupted Kingdoms – Version 0.21.9
You're either the villain or the hero in this tale. You initially set out on a quest to determine the reason why your family relocated away from your...
Masters of Raana – Version
Masters of Raana is an open-world RPG set in an abandoned colony, Ikaanos, that desperately tries to survive on a dangerous alien planet that was sepa...