Asahi, a high school student, struggles with a difficult situation. His mother, Hitomi, is unaware of the turmoil caused by a neighborhood bully, Hiroto. Asahi is left to navigate this conflict on his own, feeling isolated and unable to confide in his mother. As Hitomi tries to understand the source of her son Asahi’s distress and offer him the support he needs, she finds herself getting caught up in endless lust and desire.
The game is experienced through the perspectives of both Asahi and Hitomi.
-4 new CGs (3 SlaveBBC, 1 Cuck)
~11000 words added. (6500 SlaveBBC, 4500 Cuck)
-Various small graphic elements like OF
Mom NTR is Best !!!
bully fuck milf mom is beautiful horny things for the cowards life