Release date: 19 August 2018
Censorship: No
Developer / Publisher: Alteus
Language: English
File size: 826 MB

Hi, my name is Alteus, one of the developers of the the adult game, Fall of Ashenburg.
We believe, that it is possible to create games which combine classic adventure game elements with complex combat system and high quality adult content.
Our main goal is to provide this experience for the gaming community.
We have been holding back a release of our game to public, in order to provide hours of gameplay even with the first release. I hope you will enjoy playing with it as much we have enjoyed creating it.
Changelog 0.81 Fix
Fixed the skipable error appearing during boss combats.
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I might be wrong but the screens are from another game arent they? I think it is called Lancaster Boarding House by Daniels K.?